FAER Foundation
In the project Practices on the ground, FAER Foundation (referred to as Foundation in the following) is a partner having a vast experience in the socio-economical development of the interest areas for this project, as well as a close direct connection with the farmer and entrepreneurial community in this rural-agricultural environment.
FAER Foundation is a non-governmental organisation, non-profit, apolitical, without patrimonial purpose and without a following of a religious confession, was funded in 1992.
The general objective of the Foundation is to support and sustain private agriculture and small to medium businesses in order to promote regional economy development in Mures, Bistrita-Nasaud, Suceava, Cluj, Harghita and Alba counties.
Through its mission, FAER Foundation provides trainings and classes, counselling and financial education for adults: farmers, microenterprises and SMEs from rural areas. Also, it gets involved in social projects meant to help the educational development of young pupils and students from the local and regional community. FAER Foundation is involved in rural regional development at a professional level, but also in living and working conditions for the ethnical, financial and social underprivileged groups. The Foundation has gotten involved over time also in actions meant to preserve and protect the environment.
FAER Foundation has created and maintained a close connection with the local and regional community of which it has been a part of over the past 29 years, having the following impact:
- over 10.000 farmers from Bistrita-Nasaud, Mures, Suceava and Harghita have participated in themed trainings on agriculture, economy and legislation;
- over 100 farmers associations have been supported in organising their own activities, exhibits and informative visits;
- over 450 people from Mures County have achieved an ANC certificate through the trainings organised by the foundation in trades from the field of agriculture and tourism;
- over 120 ANC certified trainers
- Collaborations with over 60 schools and over 3800 pupils in greening activities, library endowments, paper recycling and maintaining cleanliness in the rural area;
- Over 700 people in Mures county have been ANC certified in the following trades: worker in catering, assistant waiter, hostel worker, worker in agroturistic household;
- Over 90 villages involved in the integration programme of pupils of Roma ethnicity in the educational system, having an impact over 3000 pupils;
- Over 8000 beneficiaries of the programme After school;
- Over 2400 beneficiaries of the programme Summer school
- Over 18000 beneficiaries after intercultural activities
- The impact of the programme Social inclusion and improvement of living conditions for Roma and other vulnerable groups – consisted in 22 new homes built, 41 new annexes built, 21 adjacent bathrooms built to the personal homes.
For more details connected to the activities and projects of FAER Foundation we invite you to visit us here .