Practices on the ground!

Official launch of the Practices on the ground project!

The project Practices on the ground conducted by HEKS/EPER Romania Foundation in partnership with FAER Foundation with the financial support of the program Active Citizen Fund Romania, financed by Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway through EEA Grants 2014-2021 was officially launched on October 28th 2021 through an online conference due to the legal circumstance regarding public health safety, at the time.

The project’s team would like to thank every participant for their time as well as for their opinions and ideas presented during the conference. We will take into consideration all those opinions throughout our activity in the project. We are convinced of these institutions’ support as well as of their intention of helping us throughout the project.

The project, as it was mentioned during the conference, has as a purpose the increase of awareness and involvement of young farmers in monitoring and advocacy activities meant to ensure a good upholding on behalf of the local and national authorities of the legislation and European directives regarding preserving soil quality and applying good and environmentally friendly practices of soil in agriculture by active farmers from Alba, Bistrita-Nasaud, Cluj and Mures counties.

Through the project we aim at creating a research study in collaboration with the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine from Cluj-Napoca-Faculty of Agriculture, which will be latter disseminated in the school environment of university and colleges of agricultural profile as well as towards farmers and public

Working together for a green, competitive and inclusive Europe

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